Introducing: OptimSim

Next level factory simulation
  • Digitial twin creation
  • Discrete event simulation modelling
  • Production capacity validation
  • CAPEX scenario comparison
  • Sequencing and scheduling
  • Optimization with machine learning
  • Equipment selection support and fix design issues before construction!

More Information


OptimSim is specialized in building simulation models for petfood, premix, and batch production. It offers design decision support in capital expenditure projects involving complex system design.

OptimSim Approach

Understand the problem

Understand the problem

Listen and understand the key problem to solve. Visit factory and discuss key issues with stakeholders. Analyse existing data and determine simulation model scope.

Build the model

Build the model

Build the minimum needed simulation model to answer key problem and that satifies design requirements. Iterate together until sufficient level of detail is reached.

Create scenarios

Create scenarios

Simulate many scenarios containing hundreds of years of production using high performance computing. Generated scenario production data is written to databases for analysis.

Compare scenarios

Compare scenarios

Compare the scenarios regarding capacity, flexibility, throughput, investment and running costs.

Perform optimization

Perform optimization

Optimization with machine learning can be applied on the scenarios to further improve system design or existing production.

Maintain digital twin

Maintain digital twin

The model can be single use, to answer key questions. But it is also possible to export the model and maintain it for analysis and scheduling during system lifetime.

...feel free to contact me for some examples and discussion!


Twan van der Borgh

© OptimSim